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Citrix receiver 3.1Citrix Receiver for Windows Quick Reference Version List
Hotfix name: Citrix Receiver for Windows 3. Testing of this release was targeted only at the affected functionality, and regression and stress testing were minimal. Introduce this release to a test environment for evaluation before deploying it to a нажмите чтобы прочитать больше environment. This document describes the issue s resolved by this release and includes installation instructions. When this happens, click Yes to turn the keys back on, смотрите подробнее No to proceed without using the keys.
At any time in the session, you can enable the keys by pressing the Shift key for eight seconds. This fix corrects the flow control for citrix receiver 3.1 Flash Virtual Channel and provides smooth playback citrix receiver 3.1 Flash objects.
Note : To address this issue in its entirety, you must install hotfixes that contain Fix LA for each of the following:. After citrix receiver 3.1 attempts to map certain USB devices into a virtual desktop session, the devices disappear from the Device Manager until you restart the endpoint.
Pass-through authentication fails when launching a virtual desktop session with client selective trust enabled. To enable this fix, you must set the following registry key:. With the Desktop Appliance Lock installed, if multiple logon methods are specified on the Web Interface site and citrix receiver 3.1 card authentication is specified as the preferred method, users cannot change their authentication method to connect to Смотрите подробнее because no user interface is present for that purpose.
With this fix, if no smart card is перейти на источник in the reader, the default logon method switches to the first non-smart card method configured. When running Dynamic Printer Discovery on a client against a server that does not support the citrix receiver 3.1 and no printers are created on the client, published application launches can experience delays of up to 10 seconds.
Dynamic Printer Discovery can lead to a noticeable amount of additional network traffic as client devices monitor for printer changes. This fix applies a different API to prevent additional network traffic.
When client-side IME input method is enabled for the client wfica This fix prevents seamless session windows from losing focus after a while. To enable it, you must add the following entry to the [WFClient] section of the appsrv.
Custom seamless applications can truncate child windows where the child windows overlap the parent window after retaking focus from a local window. When you establish an RDP connection to citrix receiver 3.1 primary monitor of a dual-monitor endpoint device connected to a full-screen Virtual Desktop session that spans both screens and has the Desktop Viewer located on the secondary screen, the Desktop Viewer is not repositioned to the primary monitor within the RDP session.
Session sharing does not work when the setting "SucConnTimeout" is read from the ICA file as opposed to from the registry. A black square appears in place of the video instead. Using the pass-through client to launch an application published on the same server as the /14077.txt creates an additional session if the domain name contains a period. Citrix receiver 3.1 Session Reliability disabled and a session disconnect timer configured on the Virtual Desktop Agent as described in Knowledge Center article CTXdisconnecting citrix receiver 3.1 client session by clicking the Close X button of the session window or the Disconnect button on the Desktop Viewer causes the session to be treated as dropped rather than as gracefully disconnected.
This prevents the session from assuming a disconnected state after the amount of time configured in the session disconnect timer. Instead, the session can linger in нажмите для деталей Reconnecting state until Auto Client Reconnect stops listening for reconnection attempts. The default value for this isms 5 minutes. Copying and pasting content within Microsoft Excel running on Version 5.
The issue occurs when hovering the mouse pointer over the Paste Special menu option in Microsoft Excel citrix receiver 3.1 Note : To address this issue citrix receiver 3.1 its entirety, you must install both a server and a client hotfix that contains Fix When using remote assistance software to shadow a Windows XP XenDesktop desktop viewer session with an odd non-even horizontal resolution, the shadowing window is skewed.
With a smart card removal policy configured to disconnect a session upon removal of the smart card, Pnamain. Customers have also reported instances where disconnecting the session or closing the application will also cause Pnamain.
When enabling SpeedScreen Latency Reduction and both the Enable local text echo and Enable mouse click feedback server properties using the SpeedScreen Latency Reduction Manager tool, the mouse cursor can be missing from certain Web forms in high latency connections to the server. In certain configurations involving Special Folder Redirection and a Citrix GPO configured to enable client drive mapping, the plug-in can exit unexpectedly.
To address this issue in its entirety, you must install both a client and a server hotfix that contains Fix LA During a XenDesktop or XenApp session, the wfica When using a roaming profile and launching a published application the second time, the icon changes to low resolution. Copying content from a published application to жмите сюда local application can be delayed by several seconds.
In certain configurations, the Connection Center link can citrix receiver 3.1 disabled перейти на источник the Citrix Перейти menu, or display incorrect data. After applying this fix, performing the same procedure also disables the options in the online plug-in user interface.
With the option selected to refresh the application list when resources are accessed on a Web Interface site, the application list can fail to refresh. This fix removes the case-sensitivity. Attempts to connect to published applications from the Web Interface through the Secure Gateway can fail. For more information about the citrix receiver 3.1, including licensing, client device system requirements, and installation instructions, see Citrix eDocsthe Citrix Product Documentation Library.
Failed to load featured products content, Please try again. Customers citrix receiver 3.1 viewed this article also viewed. Finding Documentation This document describes the issue s resolved by this release and includes installation instructions. Any known issues in Version 3. After installing this version of Citrix Receiver, you can no longer downgrade to an earlier version.
This release may citrix receiver 3.1 you to edit the windows 11 citrix workspace. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved.
Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Citrix receiver 3.1 operations can be erratic when shadowing is stopped and then resumed; specifically, the mouse pointer appears to be parked in the top left corner of the session window and immediately returns to that general area after attempting to move it.
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Citrix receiver 3.1
With Session Reliability disabled and a session disconnect timer configured on the Virtual Desktop Agent as described in Knowledge Center article CTX , disconnecting a client session by clicking the Close X button of the session window or the Disconnect button on the Desktop Viewer causes the session to be treated as dropped rather than as gracefully disconnected.
This prevents the session from assuming a disconnected state after the amount of time configured in the session disconnect timer. Instead, the session can linger in a Reconnecting state until Auto Client Reconnect stops listening for reconnection attempts. The default value for this is , ms 5 minutes. Copying and pasting content within Microsoft Excel running on Version 5. The issue occurs when hovering the mouse pointer over the Paste Special menu option in Microsoft Excel Note : To address this issue in its entirety, you must install both a server and a client hotfix that contains Fix When using remote assistance software to shadow a Windows XP XenDesktop desktop viewer session with an odd non-even horizontal resolution, the shadowing window is skewed.
With a smart card removal policy configured to disconnect a session upon removal of the smart card, Pnamain. Customers have also reported instances where disconnecting the session or closing the application will also cause Pnamain. When enabling SpeedScreen Latency Reduction and both the Enable local text echo and Enable mouse click feedback server properties using the SpeedScreen Latency Reduction Manager tool, the mouse cursor can be missing from certain Web forms in high latency connections to the server.
In certain configurations involving Special Folder Redirection and a Citrix GPO configured to enable client drive mapping, the plug-in can exit unexpectedly. To address this issue in its entirety, you must install both a client and a server hotfix that contains Fix LA During a XenDesktop or XenApp session, the wfica When using a roaming profile and launching a published application the second time, the icon changes to low resolution.
Copying content from a published application to a local application can be delayed by several seconds. In certain configurations, the Connection Center link can be disabled in the Citrix Receiver menu, or display incorrect data. After applying this fix, performing the same procedure also disables the options in the online plug-in user interface. With the option selected to refresh the application list when resources are accessed on a Web Interface site, the application list can fail to refresh.
This fix removes the case-sensitivity. Attempts to connect to published applications from the Web Interface through the Secure Gateway can fail. For more information about the receiver, including licensing, client device system requirements, and installation instructions, see Citrix eDocs , the Citrix Product Documentation Library. Several authentication methods are available including the custom identity provider, SAML, smart card, domain pass-through and standard credentials.
You can add new entries to the list of trusted websites. Additionally, it is possible to place new applications to the quick access panel for easier navigation,. Session timeout is customizable.
By default, the account connection is terminated after 20 minutes of inactivity. This functionality may be useful for improving security in a large organization. Please note that this utility is obsolete and no longer supported by its developers. It was replaced by Citrix Workspace. Using this comprehensive utility , you are able to develop and deploy Mozilla-based applications.
It requires advanced programming knowledge to use efficiently. This specialized software can help you create detailed 3D models of physical objects by scanning them with a consumer-grade depth sensor like Structure Core.
Open or view cases Chat live. Other support options. Share this page. Single Sign-on Troubleshooting and Diagnostics. When Citrix Receiver for Windows is not configured with Single Sign-on, it automatically switches the authentication method from Domain pass-through to Username and Password , if available.
When Citrix Receiver for Windows is not configured with Single Sign-on, it automatically switches the authentication method from Pass-through to Explicit , if available. The Local intranet window appears. Click Advanced. Click Custom level. From the User Authentication options, select Automatic logon with current user name and password. Note : Automatic logon with current user name and password can be configured using Group Policy. Double-click CitrixReceiver. Click Next. After the installation is complete, log off from the client device and log on again.
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